Evaluating residuals in higher precision

This idea comes from (Wilkinson, 1948) and I am using the notation from (Demmel et al., 2006) and (Amestoy et al., 2024). The idea is to evaluate the residual in a precision TR higher than the working precision. If you do this, you should store both the solution and the residual in precision TR and to interprecision transfers on the fly. In that case you are really solving a promoted problem (Kelley, 2024)

\[(I_W^R A) x = I_W^R b\]

and, by driving the residual to a small value can mitigate ill-conditioning to some degree. Here $I_P^Q$ is the interprecision transfer from precision $P$ to precision $Q$. MultiPrecisionArrays allows you to do this with the multiprecision factorization you get from mplu.

The classic example is to let TR and TF be single precision and TR be double. The storage penalty is that you must store two copies of $A$, one for the residual computation and the other for the factorization.

Here is an example with a badly conditioned matrix. You must tell mplu to factor in the working precision and use the kwargs in mplu to set TR.

julia> using MultiPrecisionArrays

julia> using MultiPrecisionArrays.Examples

julia> N=4096; alpha=799.0; AD=I - alpha*Gmat(N);

# conditioning is bad

julia> cond(AD,Inf)

# Set up the single precision computation

julia> A = Float32.(AD); xe=ones(Float32,N); b=A*xe;

# Make sure TF and TR are what they need to be for this example

julia> AF = mplu(A; TF=Float32, TR=Float64);

# Use the multiprecision array to solve the problem

julia> mrout = \(AF, b; reporting=true);

# look at the residual history

julia> mrout.rhist
6-element Vector{Float64}:

# Compare results with LU and the exact(?) solution

julia> xr=Float32.(mrout.sol); xs = A\b;

julia> [norm(b - A*xr, Inf) norm(b - A*xs, Inf)]
1×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 1.44958e-04  1.86920e-03

# So the residual is better. What about the difference from xe?

julia> [norm(xr - xe, Inf) norm(xs - xe, Inf)]
1×2 Matrix{Float32}:
 8.87573e-04  1.45426e-02

# So we got roughly a factor of ten. Is that worth the storage hit?
# Finally, how did we do with the promoted problem?

julia> AP=Float64.(A);

julia> norm(b - AP*mrout.sol, Inf)

# Which is what I said it was above.

So, is the solution to the promoted problem better than the exact solution I used to build the problem?

The reader might try this with TF=Float16, the default when TW = Float32. All that you'll need to do is replace

AF = mplu(A; TF=Float32, TR=Float64);


AF = mplu(A; TR=Float64);

What goes wrong and why? Fixup to follow.

The advantages of evaluating the residual in extended precision grow when $A$ is extremely ill-conditioned. Of course, in this case the factorization in the factorization precision could be so inaccurate that IR will fail to converge. One approach to respond to this, as you might expect, is to use the factorization as a preconditioner and not a solver (Amestoy et al., 2024). We will support this in a later version of MultiPrecisionArrays.jl.

IR-Krylov with high precision residuals

Half precision factorizations can lead to failure in IR. IR-Krylov methods try to fix this by using the low precision factorization as a preconditioner, not a solver. MultiPrecisionArrays.jl has two IR-Krylov methods and one can adjust the residual precision just as one does with mplu. Here is an example of this using the two multiprecision IR-Krylov factorizations mpglu (GMRES) and mpblu (BiCGSTAB).

Using the same example, we examine the results.

julia> AF = mplu(A; TR=Float64);

julia> mout16=\(AF, b; reporting=true);

julia> mout16.rhist
5-element Vector{Float64}:

so plain vanilla IR with TF=Float16, TW=Float32, and TR=Float64 fails to converge.

julia> GF = mpglu(A; TR=Float64);

julia> moutG = \(GF, b; reporting=true);

julia> moutG.rhist
6-element Vector{Float64}:

You need several iterations because the default is 10 Krylov vectors and we got the solution to the promoted problem...

julia> xp = Float64.(A)\b;

julia> norm(xp-moutG.sol, Inf)

IR-BiCGSTAB should take fewer iterations because there's no storage issue. But remember that BiCGSTAB has a higher cost per linear iteration.

julia> BF = mpblu(A; TR=Float64);

julia> moutB = \(BF, b; reporting=true);

julia> moutB.rhist
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> norm(xp - moutB.sol, Inf)