mpblu!: Factor a MPBArray and set it up for BiCGSTAB by allocating room for a few vectors


mpblu!(MPBA::MPBArray) Factor a MPBArray and set it up for BiCGSTAB-IR

This function factors the low precision copy and leaves the high precision matrix alone. The constructor for MPBArray allocates storage for the things BiCGSTAB needs.

You get a factorization object as output and can use \ to solve linear systems.


mpblu!(MPG::MPBFact, A::AbstractArray{TW,2}) where TW <: Real Overwrite a multiprecision factorization MPF to reuse the storage to make a multiprecision factorization of a new matrix A.

This will, of course, trash the original factorization.

To use this do


Simply using

mpblu!(MPF,A) # Don't do this.

(ie without explicitly returning MPG)

may not do what you want because the multiprecision factorization structure is immutable and cannot be changed.

Reassigning MPG works and resuses almost all of the storage in the original array.
