Is O(N^2) work negligible?

In this section TR = TW = Float64 and TF = TS = Float32, which means that the interprecision transfers in the triangular solvers are done in-place. We terminate on small residuals.

The premise behind IR is that reducing the $O(N^3)$ cost of the factorization will make the solve faster because everything else is $O(N^2)$ work. It's worth looking into this.

We will use the old-fashioned definition of a FLOP as an add, a multiply and a bit of address computation. So we have $N^2$ flops for any of

  • matrix-vector multiply $A x$,
  • the two triangular solves with the LU factors $(LU)^{-1} b$, and
  • computation of the $\ell^1$ or $\ell^\infty$ matrix operator norms $|| A ||_{1,\infty}$.

A linear solve with an LU factorization and the standard triangular solve has a cost of $(N^3/3) + N^2$ TR-FLOPS. The factorization for IR has a cost of $N^3/3$ TF-FLOPS or $N^3/6$ TR-FLOPS.

A single IR iteration costs a matrix-vector product in precision TR and a triangular solve in precision TF for a total of $3 N^2/2$ TR-FLOPS. Hence a linear solve with IR that needs $n_I$ iterations costs

\[\frac{N^3}{6} + 3 n_I N^2/2\]

TR-FLOPS if one terminates on small residuals and an extra $N^2$ TR-FLOPS if one computes the norm of $\ma$ in precision TR.

IR will clearly be better for large values of $N$. How large is that? In this example we compare the cost of factorization and solve using lu! and ldiv (cols 2-4) with the equivalent multiprecision commands $mplu$ and $\backslash$

The operator is A = I - Gmat(N). We tabulate

  • LU: time for AF=lu!(A)

  • TS: time for ldiv!(AF,b)

  • TOTL = LU+TS

  • MPLU: time for MPF=mplu(A)

  • MPS: time for MPF\b


  • OPNORM: Cost for $\| A \|_1$, which one needs to terminate on small normwise backward error.

The message from the tables is that the triangular solves are more costly than operation counts might indicate. One reason for this is that the LU factorization exploits multi-core computing better than a triangular solve. It is also interesting to see how the choice of BLAS affects the results and how the cost of the operator norm of the matrix is more than a triangular solve.

For both cases, multiprecision arrays perform better when $N \ge 2048$ with the difference becoming larger as $N$ increases.


   N        LU        TS       TOTL      MPLU       MPS       TOT    OPNORM  
   512  9.87e-04  5.35e-05  1.04e-03  7.74e-04  2.90e-04  1.06e-03  1.65e-04 
  1024  3.67e-03  2.14e-04  3.88e-03  3.21e-03  8.83e-04  4.10e-03  7.80e-04 
  2048  2.10e-02  1.20e-03  2.22e-02  1.54e-02  4.72e-03  2.02e-02  3.36e-03 
  4096  1.46e-01  5.38e-03  1.51e-01  8.93e-02  1.91e-02  1.08e-01  1.43e-02 
  8192  1.10e+00  2.01e-02  1.12e+00  5.98e-01  6.89e-02  6.67e-01  5.83e-02 


   N        LU        TS       TOTL      MPLU       MPS       TOT    OPNORM  
   512  7.86e-04  1.10e-04  8.96e-04  4.76e-04  3.58e-04  8.35e-04  1.65e-04 
  1024  3.28e-03  4.54e-04  3.73e-03  2.44e-03  1.30e-03  3.74e-03  7.80e-04 
  2048  2.27e-02  2.46e-03  2.52e-02  1.32e-02  1.13e-02  2.45e-02  3.36e-03 
  4096  1.52e-01  1.13e-02  1.63e-01  6.51e-02  5.62e-02  1.21e-01  1.40e-02 
  8192  1.17e+00  5.35e-02  1.23e+00  6.27e-01  2.48e-01  8.75e-01  5.67e-02