Interprecision Transfers: Part I

The discussion in this section is for the most useful case where high precision is Float64 and low precision is Float32. Things are different if low precision is Float16.

Recall that the default way to use the low precision factorization is to copy $r$ into low precision, scale it, perform the solve in low precision, and then reverse the scaling and promote the correction $d$. So if $AF = lu!(A32)$ is the factorization object for the low precision factorization, then we compute $d$ via

d = norm(r)* Float64.( AF\ (Float32.(r / norm(r))))

We will refer to this approach as the low precision solve (LPS). As we said earlier, if one simply does

d = AF\r

the elements of the triangular matrices are promoted to double as the solves take place. We will refer to this as a mixed precision solve (MPS). In the table below we report timings from Julia's BenchmarkTools package for double precision matrix vector multiply (MV64), single precision LU factorization (LU32) and three approaches for using the factors to solve a linear system. HPS is the time for a fully double precision triangular solved and MPS and LPS are the mixed precision solve and the fully low precision solve. IR will use a high precision matrix vector multiply to compute the residual and a solve to compute the correction for each iteration. The low precision factorization is done only once.

In this example $A = I + 800 G(N)$ and we look at several values of $N$.

    N      MV64       LU32       HPS        MPS        LPS   LU32/MPS
  512    2.8e-05    7.7e-04    5.0e-05    1.0e-04    2.8e-05 7.8e+00
 1024    1.1e-04    2.6e-03    1.9e-04    7.7e-04    1.0e-04 3.4e+00
 2048    6.1e-04    1.4e-02    8.8e-04    3.5e-03    4.0e-04 4.0e+00
 4096    1.9e-03    8.4e-02    4.7e-03    1.4e-02    2.2e-03 5.8e+00
 8192    6.9e-03    5.9e-01    1.9e-02    5.9e-02    9.7e-03 9.9e+00

The last column of the table is the ratio of timings for the low precision factorization and the mixed precision solve. Keeping in mind that at least two solves will be needed in IR, the table shows that MPS can be a significant fraction of the cost of the solve for smaller problems and that LPS is at least 4 times less costly. This is a compelling case for using LPS in case considered in this section, where high precision is double and low precision is single, provided the performance of IR is equally good.

If one is solving $\ma \vx = \vb$ for multiple right hand sides, as one would do for nonlinear equations in many cases, then LPS is significantly faster for small and moderately large problems. For example, for $N=4096$ the cost of MPS is roughly $15\%$ of the low precision LU factorization, so if one does more than 6 solves with the same factorization, the solve cost would be more than the factorization cost. LPS is five times faster and we saw this effect while preparing our our nonlinear solver package SIAMFANL.jl. The situation for IR is similar, but one must consider the cost of the high precision matrix-vector multiply, which is about the same as LPS.

We make LPS the default for IR if high precision is double and low precision is single. This decision is good for desktop computing. If low precision is half, then the LPS vs MPS decision needs more scrutiny.

Since MPS does the triangular solves in high precision, one should expect that the results will be more accurate and that the improved accuracy might enable the IR loop to terminate earlier \cite{CarsonHigham}. We should be able to see that by timing the IR loop after computing the factorization. One should also verify that the residual norms are equally good.

We will conclude this section with two final tables for the results of IR with $A = I + \alpha G(N)$. We compare the well conditioned case ($\alpha=1$) and the ill-conditioned case ($\alpha=800$) for a few values of $N$. We will look at residual and error norms for both approaches to interprecision transfer. The conclusion is that if high precision is double and low is single, the two approaches give equally good results.

The columns of the tables are the dimensions, the $\ell^\infty$ relative error norms for both LP and MP interprecision transfers (ELP and EMP) and the corresponding relative residual norms (RLP and RMP).

The results for $\alpha=1$ took 5 IR iterations for all cases. As expected the LPS iteration was faster than MPS. However, for the ill-conditioned $\alpha=800$ case, MPS took one fewer iteration (5 vs 6) than EPS for all but the smallest problem. Even so, the overall solve times were essentially the same.


    N      ELP        EMP        RLP         RMP        TLP       TMP 
  512    4.4e-16    5.6e-16    3.9e-16    3.9e-16    2.8e-04   3.6e-04 
 1024    6.7e-16    4.4e-16    3.9e-16    3.9e-16    1.2e-03   1.5e-03 
 2048    5.6e-16    4.4e-16    3.9e-16    3.9e-16    5.8e-03   6.2e-03 
 4096    1.1e-15    1.1e-15    7.9e-16    7.9e-16    1.9e-02   2.4e-02 
 8192    8.9e-16    6.7e-16    7.9e-16    5.9e-16    7.0e-02   8.9e-02 


    N      ELP        EMP        RLP         RMP        TLP       TMP 
  512    6.3e-13    6.2e-13    2.1e-15    1.8e-15    3.3e-04   3.8e-04 
 1024    9.6e-13    1.1e-12    3.4e-15    4.8e-15    1.3e-03   1.4e-03 
 2048    1.0e-12    1.2e-12    5.1e-15    4.5e-15    7.2e-03   6.8e-03 
 4096    2.1e-12    2.1e-12    6.6e-15    7.5e-15    2.4e-02   2.5e-02 
 8192    3.3e-12    3.2e-12    9.0e-15    1.0e-14    8.4e-02   8.9e-02